Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lasagna Rolls/ 100 list #93

  I love those frozen lasagnas that people bring over when they are helping out with a meal. They are sooo tasty. So when I was trying to find recipes to make for my frozen dinners, I was pretty excited to come across this one. This is not an original recipe, I got it from another blog. But all the pictures are mine. I have to tell you, parts of this were super easy, but some parts were a PAIN IN THE BUTT! They did freeze beautifully and have a good texture when reheated. 

The Ingredients:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Eating Better

  One of the things I want to change in my life is the way I eat. I live alone and generally do not cook a lot of stuff for myself so I end up eating over-processed crap. I don't want to have to cook all the time, I don't have a dishwasher and have no desire to hand wash all the dishes I'd use to cook every night. And that's a lot of work to feed just me. So my solution is to find several recipes every month and cook a big batch of each and freeze it in individual servings so that I can just heat them up and eat. It's like home made frozen meals that you buy at the grocery store minus all the sodium, preservatives and other junk that they put it those. I've already made a few things and took lots of pictures so in the next few days I'll write posts with the recipes. Hopefully, near the beginning of every month I'll have a few new recipes to post. It's also fun (to me) to figure out how much each serving costs when I make a meal so I'll post that too! I look forward to sharing new recipes with you!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Being Content

  I just read an amazing post about being content with what you have. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this persons blog! She (I think it's a she) has several ideas that I am going to use. I think I am going to take one of her suggestions and write a list of things I have to be thankful for, but I'm going to take it a step further. I think I'll make a few lists and put them in different places like on my fridge (for when I'm complaining about having 'nothing' to eat) and in my wallet (for when I'm tempted to buy something I think I 'need'). I'm hoping it will have a Pavlov's dog type effect and thinking about what I have already will come automatically.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

100 List

   I made this list a few months ago but I feel like there are several things on it that are relevant to this blog. The ones I've already done are not in bold. This list was super fun to make and I think everyone should make one! It really pushes you to think of things you want to do, 100 things does not seem like a lot until you get to 27 and can't think of anything else to add.    
  1. Take a cooking class (like in the movies)
  2. Ride a train
  3. Dance behind a waterfall

Friday, February 10, 2012

My first post

  I just started and it is already harder than I thought it would be. I feel like my first post should be amazing, witty, full of information, and so interesting that it knocks your socks off! But I have no idea how to do that so I guess I'll just share my vision for my blog.

  If I had to describe myself in a totally honest, totally brutal way it would be like this: I am 24, messy, a little chunky, and poor. I procrastinate often, and finish projects sometimes. My apartment is half decorated and it's taking me a long time to finish it. This is due to not having money and laziness. I don't eat very healthy (I'm eating chocolate pudding while typing this) and rarely work out. I do not like my job, I dread going to it pretty much every day. I do not have my drivers license and have been single for quite some time. I lack patience, and get frustrated WAY to easily!!I tend not to appreciate what I have.

This is NOT who I want to be. 

  I don't think it's who I really am. I am not happy with myself and instead of just sitting here complaining about it, I am going to do something. I will change how I eat, find different ways to be frugal, get my license and a job I like. I will learn to be patient and to do things right away instead of saving them for later. And I will share this (probably crazy) journey with whoever decides to read this blog. And honestly, if no one reads this but (future) me, then that's ok. I think it will be fun a year (or more) from now to look back and see how much I've grown.

  So there it is, my first post. It sounds kind of whiny (which is something else I need to work on) but I promise, the rest of my blog will not be full of complaints about my life. I have already made some progress (I finally unpacked all of the boxes from moving into my apartment.... 2 years ago...) and hope that one day I will be the 'me' that God wants me to be.