Friday, February 10, 2012

My first post

  I just started and it is already harder than I thought it would be. I feel like my first post should be amazing, witty, full of information, and so interesting that it knocks your socks off! But I have no idea how to do that so I guess I'll just share my vision for my blog.

  If I had to describe myself in a totally honest, totally brutal way it would be like this: I am 24, messy, a little chunky, and poor. I procrastinate often, and finish projects sometimes. My apartment is half decorated and it's taking me a long time to finish it. This is due to not having money and laziness. I don't eat very healthy (I'm eating chocolate pudding while typing this) and rarely work out. I do not like my job, I dread going to it pretty much every day. I do not have my drivers license and have been single for quite some time. I lack patience, and get frustrated WAY to easily!!I tend not to appreciate what I have.

This is NOT who I want to be. 

  I don't think it's who I really am. I am not happy with myself and instead of just sitting here complaining about it, I am going to do something. I will change how I eat, find different ways to be frugal, get my license and a job I like. I will learn to be patient and to do things right away instead of saving them for later. And I will share this (probably crazy) journey with whoever decides to read this blog. And honestly, if no one reads this but (future) me, then that's ok. I think it will be fun a year (or more) from now to look back and see how much I've grown.

  So there it is, my first post. It sounds kind of whiny (which is something else I need to work on) but I promise, the rest of my blog will not be full of complaints about my life. I have already made some progress (I finally unpacked all of the boxes from moving into my apartment.... 2 years ago...) and hope that one day I will be the 'me' that God wants me to be.

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