Saturday, February 11, 2012

100 List

   I made this list a few months ago but I feel like there are several things on it that are relevant to this blog. The ones I've already done are not in bold. This list was super fun to make and I think everyone should make one! It really pushes you to think of things you want to do, 100 things does not seem like a lot until you get to 27 and can't think of anything else to add.    
  1. Take a cooking class (like in the movies)
  2. Ride a train
  3. Dance behind a waterfall
  4. Learn Sign Language
  5. Find a job I like
  6. See Zumanity in Las Vegas
  7. Shark cage dive
  8. Volunteer in a soup kitchen
  9. Plant a tree
  10. Sell something on E-bay
  11. See a meteor shower
  12. Read through the bible in a year
  13. See the Christmas Tree Lighting Festival in Leavenworth
  14. Get a concealed weapons license
  15. See Cats live
  16. Cook a flaming dessert
  17. Enter something ridiculous into an arts and crafts competition
  18. Eat something weird (Hippo, zebra, monkey, ect.)
  19. Have someone write a song for me
  20. Read 'Gone With The Wind'
  21. Pay off my student loans
  22. Help build a house
  23. Build a giant sandcastle or igloo
  24. Ride in a helicopter
  25. Find a cow for my sister to milk
  26. Visit a nudist colony
  27. Figure out how to make Mochi
  28. Go on a cruise
  29. Learn to take criticism gracefully
  30. Participate in a flash mob
  31. Watch the ball drop on New Year's eve in New York
  32. Decorate a fancy cake
  33. Go to a masquerade party
  34. Donate blood
  35. Clean my apartment top to bottom
  36. Spend a week homeless by choice
  37. Buy something at a flea market
  38. Participate in a boycott of some kind
  39. Ride in a hot air balloon
  40. Finish decorating my room
  41. Dress in formal wear on a random day and hang out in public
  42. Stay the night at a haunted house
  43. Join the polar bear club- This really sucked. VIDEO
  44. Lose 20 lbs
  45. Buy a t-shirt in Hell, MI
  46. Find the girl I bullied in middle school and apologize
  47. Stay in an extremely fancy hotel room
  48. Win money at a Casino
  49. Hold a tarantula
  50. Go white water rafting
  51. Get CPR certified
  52. Go zip lining
  53. Own a Yorkie
  54. Be in a pie or cake of the month club
  55. Have a giant food fight
  56. Find someone who loves me, quirks and all
  57. Greatly cut down the time I spend online
  58. Get a makeover
  59. Finish this freakin list- It took a week to finish.
  60. Donate clothes to the women's shelter
  61. Audition for something
  62. Go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
  63. Win over $1000 in a lottery or raffle
  64. Crash a wedding
  65. Have my portrait painted
  66. Take a ferret for a walk
  67. Go to a movie premiere
  68. Get contacts that don't bother my eyes
  69. Watch The Sound of Music
  70. Sip Champagne on a beach at sunset
  71. Go a whole week without using "LOL"
  72. Make a scarf without help from Katrina
  73. Find a couch cover that works for my weird couch.
  74. Successfully 'marble' paint my fingernails
  75. Make Bailey's chocolate pudding
  76. Send a care package to a soldier overseas
  77. Do a "Day Without" at least once a month
  78. Get an elaborate Henna tattoo
  79. Make/eat cow tongue tacos
  80. Learn how to do a waterfall braid
  81. Buy a storage unit at a storage auction
  82. Sell/get rid of my desk
  83. Find drawer knob things for my dresser
  84. Get my license
  85. Make cookies out of pancake mix- Not the best tasting cookies... but I've also never had the pancake mix before so it might not even make good pancakes! 
  86. Leave a Christmas tree up all year and change the ornaments to fit the holiday/season/month.
  87. Go on a road trip and visit everywhere I have lived
  88. Own a house
  89. Go rock climbing
  90. Get over my fear of roller coasters
  91. Have season tickets for Hockey
  92. Get braces
  93. Cook bacon without getting burned
  94. Get all of my pictures/music off of my old computer
  95. Have an electricity bill under $10
  96. Sleep under the stars
  97. Fly in a small plane
  98. Write a letter to the editor and have it published
  99. Learn to shoot (and actually hit something)
  100. Write an eHow article


  1. What a great list! I could send you something for the "Eat Something Weird" - we can get alligator and squirell and possum lol.

    1. You found my blog!! :) I've always wanted to try alligator!
