Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oops, I didn't write at all in April.

  One of the reasons why I wasn't sure about writing a blog is that I suck at actually following through on things like this. In real life, I'm continuing to try and improve myself, but I never think, "Oh I should blog about this!" Anyways, I was reading about this project two women did called "The Naked Face Project." Their tagline is, "Two women. Sixty days. No makeup. No shaving. No primping. What happens next?"  When I saw this I thought, "No makeup? That's my average day. No shaving? I call that Winter. What happens next? Nothing, not wearing makeup 98% of the time, and not shaving during the winter are the norm for me." I read a little of one of the women's blog, and I can understand how someone who wears makeup all the time and spends a lot of time on their appearance might have a hard time giving all this up. I also commend her because she went to yoga and swimming class with hairy legs. I might not shave, but I also rarely show my legs during the winter.

   I am trying to think of a beauty ritual I do that might be a crutch for my self-esteem. I think that maybe it might be something I do not do, rather than something I do. I LOVE skirts and dresses. I would wear them all the time, except I hate my legs. They are VERY white, and a little chubby. I also have ugly knees (which seems to run in my family). I kind of want to do a "wear only skirts and dresses for a month" type project. There are a few things that might stop me. One, I don't own enough skirts/dresses to do that and not wear the same thing all the time. Two, I don't have shoes that I can wear with them that are appropriate for work. I have flats, but I have to wear special socks with them or they rub, and I only have two pairs of those socks. Three, on days I do signage, and sometimes during normal work hours, I am up and down ladders and I'm not sure I feel comfortable doing that in a skirt/dress.

  My dad says when you are about to make up an excuse for why you can't do something you might as well say, "I have mayonnaise in the fridge." Why? Because an excuse is just that, an excuse. If you really wanted to do something you would find a way to do it. To be honest (with myself as well as you), I own two pairs of jeans. So I wear the same pair of pants several times a week. So my excuse about not having enough skirts and dresses is BS. I have plenty. The one about my shoes is a little harder to work around. When I don't work I can wear flip-flops or wedges, but I might need to invest in a pair of sandals for work. I just worry that what I buy will rub, then I will have wasted my money. I will just have to get over the third excuse, or request that someone else be the one to go up the ladder. So that covers all of my excuses.

I think I will wait till June to start this. Right now the weather is still cold sometimes, but by June it will have evened out more. This will be fun, I hope. I'll have to shave more often. But hopefully this will help me get over my poor leg-esteem. I'll also try to blog a little more often.
A note I found in a gym locker. It made my day!
  One more thing. I love that I can go out without wearing makeup and feel confident about it. I love that putting on makeup is something I do for fun when I feel like it, not because I feel like I have to. My mom is always telling me I should wear makeup more. That it looks more professional when someone has makeup on. I disagree. I think that if my hair looks nice, my clothes are professional, and I am acting professional, no one will notice that I am not wearing makeup. A few months ago I thought that, to improve myself, I should make an effort to put on eyeliner and mascara every day. It makes me sad to think that I felt that way, even if it was only for a minute. I am beautiful the way God made me and I don't need makeup to improve myself. I am not anti-makeup. In fact, I LOVE makeup and own way more than one girl needs. But I also don't think anyone should feel like they have to wear it. I want to cry when I hear girls say they can't even go workout or check the mail without putting on makeup. Makeup should be a fun accessory, not a pair of handcuffs that keep you from doing things you want to do. (Also, people who wear makeup while working out make me want to commit acts of violence.)
Another cute nail look. I am trying to keep my nails looking nice instead of the chipped mess they usually are. This was the best picture I got. lol. It is hard to take pictures of your own hands.

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