Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oops, I didn't write at all in April.

  One of the reasons why I wasn't sure about writing a blog is that I suck at actually following through on things like this. In real life, I'm continuing to try and improve myself, but I never think, "Oh I should blog about this!" Anyways, I was reading about this project two women did called "The Naked Face Project." Their tagline is, "Two women. Sixty days. No makeup. No shaving. No primping. What happens next?"  When I saw this I thought, "No makeup? That's my average day. No shaving? I call that Winter. What happens next? Nothing, not wearing makeup 98% of the time, and not shaving during the winter are the norm for me." I read a little of one of the women's blog, and I can understand how someone who wears makeup all the time and spends a lot of time on their appearance might have a hard time giving all this up. I also commend her because she went to yoga and swimming class with hairy legs. I might not shave, but I also rarely show my legs during the winter.