Thursday, March 22, 2012

Every day I will...

Yesterday, I got to work early and decided to make a list of things I think I should be doing every day. It's been awhile since I've posted anything and the list is definitely in line with what I want from this blog, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Walk: I should be getting up and walking every day. Even when I don't feel like I have a lot of time. Just getting off the bus one stop early will help me become healthier and fit. On my days off I shouldn't stay cooped up inside. I am going to try and walk at least 30 minutes every day. 

Read my Bible: Getting myself physically fit/ healthy means nothing if I'm not getting myself spiritually fit as well. It's shouldn't even be that hard, I have a One Year Bible that breaks the bible down into a 15 minute reading a day.

Drink water:  I've been doing pretty good at this (or at least better than I used to). I drink at least one 33.8oz bottle a day. I am going to try and drink at least 2. Water is so good for you and I need to make sure I am staying hydrated.

Apply for a new job: It is no secret that I do not like my job. I figure if I apply for one job a day, eventually, I will get one.

Eat vegetables: Because they are good for you. :)

Get dressed:  No more spending days off in my pajamas. I rarely get anything productive done in PJs. 

Go to bed at a decent time:   I am not very good at this. I rarely go to sleep before midnight. Sleep is very important and I need to make sure I am getting enough of it. I set an alarm for 9:30pm to let me know it's time to start getting ready for bed, and one at 10pm to let me know it's time to go to sleep. I expect that the first several nights I'll lay in bed for a few hours before falling asleep, but hopefully I'll adjust. 

Learn a new ASL sign:  I really want to learn ASL, so I am going to try to learn a new sign every day. I think it will be fun. Maybe I'll make it into a game and make myself have to use the sign 5 times during the day. 

Floss: I hate flossing. Hate hate hate flossing... but I need to do it anyways. 

Wash Dishes: I don't have a dishwasher so I have to do dishes by hand. If I can get into the habit of washing them when I use them, instead of letting them pile up, it wouldn't seem so overwhelming to do it by hand.

  Is there anything you feel like you should do daily? I feel like, if I really did all these things daily, life would be great. 

My list... see I really did make one!
 Also... look at the cute nails I did!!

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